www…. ENTER

Laura Peraltav
2 min readJan 15, 2020


What happens when you type a URL in your browser?

source (google.com)

If you are curious enough to be here is because you want to understand what happens under the hood when you type www.madnezz.com (or any other URL) in your browser.

Let’s first take a look at the components that make up a URL:

source (google.com)

The protocol is used to know through which port is the communication between the user and the server is going to be made in this case https that works with port 443. The subdomain its an additional part to the domain that helps you navigate through different sections of the webpage. The domain name is the name of the webpage and finally the path tells you the address of the section you are at.

Now that you know the parts of the URL, we can focus on when the browser receives your request, because yes it is a request that first goes to a server that will for the URL you gave in order to retrieve the IP address where the website is located, this process is done by the DNS (Domain Name System).



Laura Peraltav

A free soul seeking purpose, willing to learn new things every day. Passionate about photography, digital painting, mindset and entrepreneurship.